Customer Portal
Our customer portal is starting to take off a little bit more. We are working hard to add more features and options into it.
You can check your balance, make a payment, open a support ticket, review your website statistics, and manage all the content on your website.
I think that is one of the important features to really highlight. We know how important your website can be to your business. We stand our from many other website design firms with our ability to give you more control over your website.
Our content management system is an easy to use interface to change many aspects of your own website all by yourself. It displays a list of the webpages you can modify, and with a single click you get a "Microsoft Word" like interface to make those changes.
Thats it, nothing complicated about this like some other content management systems.
And it helps you keep your website costs down in the long run. We don't charge you the small fee's to update this word here, or add that image there, you can do it all yourself.
This lets you spend your money on adding new features, to your website, and building a website that can be compared to a big fortune 500 client.