A solution that works: Zimbra
Nextwaveservices.com offers a solution for you, the user, to collaborate all of the different e-mails and calendar appointments you have, through your phone and computer. Zimbra is an open source server software that can be purchased through Nextwaveservices.com. The product Zimbra, offers the user many options like e-mail, calendar, mobile sync, and desk top sync. It is not only a good idea for individual people but for businesses as well. Let’s go into detail about Zimbra and what it has to offer you, the user.
Zimbra’s e-mail service allows you to keep a contact list, e-mail tagging and view conversations the way you want to view them. It has a search field so you can find things easily too.
Zimbra has a calendar that can be shared with other individuals or just yourself. You can see everyone’s calendar which can save you time in having to contact that person and finding out if their busy. This can save time and money.
Because Zimbra can sync to any device with a mobile web browser, it can be accessed from almost anywhere. So stuck in traffic? Why not figure out what you have to do next by looking at your calendar? Or how about checking your e-mail or writing e-mails in time that could be wasted. Why not take all that wasted time and maximize your time, engery, and money?
Zimbra is a fast and easy to install package that anyone can install and use. It offers so many unique options like an instant messaging system, file storage, contacts list, and web document management that can be used not only on the computer. With so many advantages like these, we at Next Wave Services recommend this product, Zimbra, to everyone. If you would like to learn more please visit our website, nextwaveservices.com or visit http://www.nextwaveservices.com/web-services/contact to write us for more information.
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